LATHE - everything to do with lathes, millers, shapers Operation Manuals Sales Catalogues History Drive belts – LATHE LATHES - and Large range of used CNC lathes always available - browse our online stock inventory for more information. Machine manual, operator manual, manuals, Deckel and Tos. We sell and copy a wide variety of machine manuals and operator manuals for lathes, mills and other.
Lathes. An incomplete list of Manufacturers and Brands. While many have been culled from published sources. Web throws up long- forgotten. If you find details of an .
Prov. R. I., Adira (Portuguese), Ahcol, Aero Lyon, Ajax, Alcorn. Machine Co., Alcorn & Ames, Alcor (Italy), Aldriich & hay, Aldrich. Warren, Aldrich, Tyng & Co., Aldrin (Sweden), Alfeo, Allanson. Engingeering (Ealing, London), Alldays & Onions, Allen Elec. Co., Allen. (William Allen of Manchester), R. Almkvist (Sweden), Alpin, AM, AMAG, American. Machine and Tool Company, American- Tool- Works, American Junior.
American- Pacemaker, American Tool & Machine Co., American Tool Works. American Turret Lathe Co., American Watch Case Company, American Watch Tool. Co, Ames Co. Chicopee, Ameritech, Ammoco, Amolco.
Amor & Bowker, Amoskeag, Amtec, Andersen & Krussand, Andrychowska, A. Flotte d'Angleterre (Paris), Picco. Angelo (millers, Italy). Atkins, Atlantic, Atlas Engineering UK, Automatic. Co., Avia, AVM (Angelini V. Macchine Company Italy), Axelson. Azeta Milling machines Italy, Azpiazu .
Baldwin, Ballou Mfg. Co., Ballou & Whitcomb, Balme Bros. Helens. Junction, lancs.). Canada. Beru (watchmakers,), Bessboro, E & A Betts, Betts- Bridgeford, Betts.
Machine Co., Beur (millers, Sweden), Beyer & Peacock, Biddeford Machine. Shop, E. Biglia (Spain).
Birch, Birfield, Birkenhead, Bj. USA),Brackenbury & Austin, Bradford Machine Tool Co.. Brainard Milling Machine Co., Breguet Freres & Cie (Swiss), Bridgeford.
Find great deals on eBay for Milling Machine in Metalworking Mills. Shop with confidence. Collaboration is often the best method to solve complex problems, using each of our strengths. We partner with the best in the business to provide complete solutions. PLEASE NOTE: was founded as a public service to amateur and professional woodworkers who enjoy using and/or restoring.
Machine Tools Works (Rochester (USA)), Bridgeford machine Tool Works. Bridgeport (USA)), Breda, Bremco, Brenco, Brennan and Company, Bridgeford.
Bridgeport, Britan, Britannia, F. Brittain (London), Britton, Broadbent.
Broadbent- Schofield, Brodrene Sundt (Norway), Brown Bros. London), Joseph Buck, M. Buck & Sons (Bolton. Lancs), J. Buckton, Bullard, Bullock, Bunting (George Bunting Sheffield), Burchardt. Neuk. Burdin (Lyon. France), Burke, Burr & Sons, Burton- Rogers, John H.
Bury (Oswaldtwistle). Costruzioni Meccaniche Buscate (C.
M. B. Italy), Busch, Busy- Bee, Butler, F. J Butterfield of Keighley, Butterworth, BWC, Caballeria . Cady, Cairo, Canada Machinery Corporation, C. A. R. D. Clark. & Co.
Davis, Davis & Egan USA (milling. Samuel Davis, W. P. Davis, Davis & Leyden (Dental), Davies. Davis?) Machine Co. Rochester NY, Dawson & Goodwin. Dean- Smith- Grace, Death & Ellwood (Leicester, England), Deber (Italy).
Deckel, De. Fray, E. A. Delano, Delisle & Ziegele, Delta, Demas, Demoor. Denbigh, Denford, E.
G. Dengel, Denham, Depoy, Derbyshire, De. Valli. RI (later the Diamond. Machine Co. RI), Diderot, Dietz, Dietz, Gang & Co., Dietz, Schumacher.
Dietz, Schumacher & Boye, Dignus, Dixi, D& M, Do. All, Dolze& Slotta.
Coswig, Saxonia), William Donaldson, Donaldson of Cincinnati (Acme), Douglas. Australia, shapers), Dowding & Doll, Dracip, Draper, Dreses, Mueller. Drummond, DSG, Dubied, Duff, Dunbar & Cook, Dunlap, Duro, Dustin, Lewis. Duvinge, W. Eades & Son (Birmingham), Earle, Easterbrook &. Allcard. Edwards, Egan, Eguro (Japan), EHJ, Einhell, Gustav. Eisfeld, Elgin Tool Works, Electric Machine Corporation, Ind. USA, Elliott. Ellis & Reeds (Bradford), Elson, EMAG, Emerling, Emco, EMTOC, Emwee.
Engineering Appliances, Enox, Ensign, Eppinger, EPVJ, Ergoyen, Eriksen (Alfred. Eriken), Erlicht, W.
H. Ermentrout, Ermo, Henri Ernault, Ernault- Somua, Etsco. Essbeco, ETA, Eugene Iron Works, EW, Evans, Ex- Cell- O, EXE, Exeter. Machine Works, Fairbanks, Fairbairn Macpherson & Co, Fairbanks Machine. Tool Co. Springfield Ohio, Fairburn, Naylor & Macpherson, Faircut. Farmer, Famco, FAT, Favorite, J. A. Fay & Co. Fay and Egan Co.).
Fay- Scott, Feeler, Feinbau, Fell (woodworking), Josepth Fenn (Ornamental. FEXAC, Fielding, Fieldhouse, Fifield, Fimap, William Findlay, Arthur.
Firth, Fischer, Fitchburg, Flather, Fleck U. Charlottenburg, Fletcher. Bros. Halifax, Flexispeed, Foley, Forsaith, 'Fortis Imperial', Foster. G. H. Fox, Fragola (Italy), Fraser, Fratelli Troglia Tobino (Italy), Fray. Frisell, Carl Froh, FVE Imperial, Gage (USA), C.
E. Gaitzsch. (Siegmar- Schonau). Guitel. Gurutzpe (Spain), Habegger, Hakumag- Renard, Haighton, G & A Harvey.
Glasgow), Halifax, Halco, Halifax, August Hamann (Berlin), Hamilton. Hammel- Riglander, Hapfho, Hardinge, Harihar (India), Harrington, D. Heller, Hembrug, Hendey, Henley, Hepworth (USA), Hercules Ajax, Herbert (Alfred Herbert UK), Herbert - Australia. Herberts Wood Lathes (Los Angeles), Hercus, Hermle, Herreiz (Spain), Herson. Herter (Japan), H.
E. S., Hestika, Hewes & Phillips, Hey, Heyligenstaedt. Heymer & Pilz (Germany), Hill,Clark, Edward Hind & Son Nottingham.
Hines (Edward Hines ornamental lathes), Hitachi, Hjorth, Hobart Bros. USA. Hobbymat, George Hodgson (Cleckheaton), Hobson, Hoffman & Billings. H. Lorrach (Baden), Kearns (borers) , Keen (The Keen). Keighley- Lifts, Kempsmith, Kendall & Gent, Kennan (Ireland), (Kennen . Australia), John. Lang & Sons, Lathe & Morse Tool Co., Leach, Leavitt, Le. Blond, Lebreton(France).
Lee & Hunt, Lefebvre- et- Martin. Lempco, Leif, Leinweber, Leinen, Leitz (millers), Lennartsfors wood lathes. Le. Pont, Les Innovations Mecaniques, Lesto, Levin, Leyland & Barlow.
Libbey (Millholland Machine Co.), Lidk. Lloyd (Birmingham), LMV, Lodge & Davis. Lodge- Shipley, Loewe, Logan, Logos, London, London Lathe & Toolm.
Co.,Lorch, Loudon Bros. Glasgow, Lucas, Ludwig- Gack, Rev. James Lukin Ornamental. Lathes), Lumsden- Smart, Lund John of Crosshills, Keighley), Luthy, Lux.
Mann (Providence R. I.), Mannaioni, Manning, Man. Son. Manurhin, Mardgaga TB & Cie, Mario (LUX brand by Bolla Eligio Mario). Marlow, Marriott, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Henry B. Massey (Spalding. Lincs., ornamental lathes), Matheys, Alex Mathieson & Son .
Mezget, William Midwinter (and. Midwinter Engineering & Cycle Stamping Co. Birmingam UK), Mikron, Miley.
Machine Tool Co., Millen, Millholland, Millrite. Milnes, Milwaukee, Minilor, Misal, Mit- a- Mit, Mitchell, F. Morat & Co. Eisenbach (Black Forest), Germany, Morey. Morini and Bossi (Italy), Morris, Mori- Seiki, Morse, Moseley, John Muckle.
Nalls (Yarmouth), Namson, Napier. Narragansett, National Lathe Co. Zanoletti (Italy), Onan, O. S. I. C. Park & Son, Engineers.
Melbourne) Parker Mc. Knight, Parkinson, Parkson, Pasquino, Pama, Panther. C. E. Parsons (Capstan lathes, Leicester), F.
R. Rutland. Vermont, Paterson, Patrick, Paulson, PAV (Italy), P. B. R. Galt, Canada, Perfecto, Perhays, Perico Baroni & Raimondi, Perris, Petz. Pexto, Pfauter, Pfeifer, Pfeil, Phoenix (France), Picard (Henri Picard et. Frere . Pond, Pont- a- Mousson (A. M. C.), Pontiggia, Pools, Poreba. Portass, Porter, Porter- Mc.
Leod, Portmac, Potisje, Potter, Potter & Johnston,Powermatic. F. Pratt & Co. Halifax, Pratt- Whitney, Pr. Rowson. Royal (by Vesuv, Denmark), RSB (UK). Lichner (Germany), Schumacher- Boye, Schwarz & Co., Schweizer. Scinta, Scintilla, Scomea, Scope, Scott Brothers of Keighley, Scott Homer. Shedd), Sheene Bros.
Providence RI., Stark, Stearns Rogers Mfg. Co. (The Denver), Stedall, Stehman and Swan Lancaster Pa., Steinel, Steiner. Steinhauser, S. Stell & Co. Keighley, Stepto, Stirk (lathes and borers. Sterritt & Stoer, Stitson, Storebro- Bruks- Aktiebolag.
Stockbridge, Stoeckle, Stokes (Gordon Stokes), Chas. Strelinger, Streparava. Italy), Strohm, Strickland Bros. Copiatori). Suring (Indian?), Swasey, Swift, Swisten, Bryant Symons & Co. USA, The United States Machine Tool.
Company (Cincinnati), Univertical, URPE . Wagner. Wagner, Dortmund (Germany), Wahli, Walcott, Walcott & Woods, Waldrich. Siegen, Walker- Turner, Walter Bros., Wanderer, Veem, J. G. Weisser Sohne. Wickman, VLG, Volman, Wakefield, Waltham, Wandess, Warco, Ward, Ward. Haggas & Smith, Warner- Swasey, Warwick, Wasino, Watson, Webster- Howarth.
Webster- Whitcomb, Wecheco (Argentina), T. White & Sons, D. E. Whiton. Machine Tool Co. Serial Number Arctic Cat Snowmobile Covers. USA, Weigel (USA), F. C.,Weipert, Weipert, Wells, Wells &.
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