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Barbara Marciniak: BRINGERS OF THE DAWNBRINGERS. A special thanks to my sister Karen, for her deep love and. Early on I was led to Toby and Teri Weiss, both of. Pleiadian experience. Barrie and. Susie Konicov first recognized the energy and brought the P's to print in. Connecting Link magazine as a result of our being in Athens, Greece, on the.

BRINGERS OF THE DAWN. TEACHINGS FROM THE PLEIADIANS. BARBARA MARCINIAK. 1965 was a common year starting on Friday (dominical letter C) of the Gregorian calendar, the 1965th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations.

They also introduced me to Tera Thomas, friend, coauthor, and editor. Bringers of the Dawn. She has had her life rearranged by working on. I have great respect for her ability to commit and transform. Tera. Karen, and the P's somehow schemed this book into being.

Barbara Hand Clow. Gail Vivino inserted her expertise and fine- tuning. Barbara Doern Drew.

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Amy Frost, and the other Bear & Company staff. Marilyn Hager added the.

Cover artist. Peter Everly worked through inspiration and suggestion to create an image of. I honor. the courageous, those who are willing to redefine the very essence of existence. My deep. love and thanks I give to the Pleiadian consciousness, my teachers and friends.

Peace. prosperity, and thanks to all.(**)FOREWORDWhen Barbara Marciniak and I met in 1. I had moved to Michigan to birth a. Connecting Link, with publishers Barrie and Susie Konicov. Barbara was birthing the Pleiadian channelings. After years of working many. During the next two years, Barbara and I traveled to many. Pleiadian teachings, and generally had a great.

We talked about doing a book of the Pleiadian teachings. The year 1. 99. 0, the beginning of the .

Connecting Link was getting well established, and. Barbara had made some three hundred tapes with the Pleiadians. I felt it was. time for me to move back to New York, where I could continue to do the magazine. I also felt it was time to do the. When I thought of .

It would take no particular effort. So, in May, when. Barbara and I sat down to do a . I. was intrigued.

They said to me, . What effort would it be of yours? It is going to be a.

This is not at all to be a logical- mind project. Bruce Jewell Business Studies Pdf Files. By. using your intuition, you will be guided and tested to see if you can perform. It will be a tremendous exercise for you. It will lift you into a.

When it is completed and is very successful, you will say, 'I don't. I did it. I have no idea.'. The process that you will be. You will. go through the process of an initiation yourself as you write it. You have some. mastering to achieve in a few areas during the next six moons, and all of this. Barbara's sister, Karen.

Also. my friend Marsha would get impulses on which tapes needed to be included. Then. it would be up to me to pick out the parts to use. I was instructed to use no. I could use a one- to.

I began to grasp the idea. My logical mind had one more. I asked the Pleaidians, . The first time that you.

Have a clean space, with your crystal stones that. Then you can make a prayer of intention by saying, 'I am now. I am beginning a book, and I am sending this announcement out.

It is my intention. I. promise that I will be available for that recognition.

I understand that I have. That part is not mine. I understand that I am to.

I am sending out the birth announcement and. In this I trust.' That is it; it will be. You. will understand the importance of the book because you will have had an. Someone who did not trust would find this very difficult. There is nothing else that you can turn to in. This is about commitment, and you are going to learn that you can. It will always all work.

The book will make its own order as you learn about. It will be. mind blowing what you experience. I realize now that they. I would be tested, and that people would need to clear their personal. Now I know - what those words mean; at the time. I had no idea. My personal issues started coming up big time.

I didn't. trust myself, I didn't love myself, and, in fact, I didn't really know who I. I couldn't separate the real me from the facade. I began a series of.

I'd blocked out, trauma and pain stored in my body. I was a. mess. I was in no shape to work on the book, for I was barely managing to get.

In October, I went to Egypt with the Pleiadians. I knew. this trip was going to be an important turning point in my life, and I thought. I could get to work and pump out the book. It. blew open my circuits and awakened areas in myself that I had no idea were.

When I got back to New York, I was. I wasn't sure I. would ever be able to do it. The only thing I knew for sure at that time was that I had. New York. I couldn't get centered or clear there and I felt. I felt naked and exposed walking on the streets, and I. It was time to get out.

That December, I moved to North Carolina. When something. is right, it works out beautifully. Libby, one of the friends I met in Egypt.

Raleigh, and I knew I wanted to live there. I. made an intention that I would have a house to move into before I came down. I pictured what it would be like and what the land would look like, and. Libby said she would keep her eyes and ears open. About a week before my move. Libby's shop and started complaining because.

Libby said, . The house was just what I wanted- roomy, with lots of. It was perfect! The minute I got there, I. I lay on the ground or sat with my back to a tree and just let.

Healing myself was all I focused on. In January, when I went to Michigan to typeset the.

Connecting Link, I realized that my time with the. I had grown a lot doing it, and now it was time for me. I didn't know, but when I get. I have to go with them.

When I came back home, I spent a few days asking myself if. I'd been a total fool to give up a job when I now lived out in the middle of. I would get another one.

Then I realized it. I had no job: it was time to do the book. I began listening to. The work went smoothly and. I didn't question the order or attempt. I just let everything flow through me. During this time, the Pleiadians did a series of daytime.

The classes. were called . I got to deeper levels of the issues I thought I'd finished with in.

New York. Those of us in the classes cleared much emotional baggage and. The series ended with a rebirthing.

I had another . Suddenly, an awareness hit me: I hadn't been able to do. I hadn't been able. I hadn't been cleared out enough to do it. I asked. the Pleiadians about this.

You told everyone. You compared yourself, and. You had to go deeper, as everyone. You had to explore certain behaviors you had that did not work and. Keeper of. Frequency. This is why the book was given to you the way it was- because you had. By hashing over and translating.

You heard over and over again, in a neutral way. And, you did it. I had no concept of how this. Was I to read all of the pages at once and see where they fit.

I had some pages with only a few sentences on them and other lengthy. How was I to put it into some sort of order?

The Pleiadians said that every night when I was going to. I was to give them one minute and visualize the cover of Bringers of. Dawn. I was to play with this and change the artwork every night if I. I was just to look at the cover, open the book and begin reading the. The information would be shown to me in the dream. They said I would begin to pull the book into existence by reading a. They said it would be no work for.

Well, why not? The first week didn't go so well. I was doing the. visualization before I went to sleep, but when I woke up I would panic looking.

It was completely frustrating. Finally, one. afternoon, as I was sitting in the middle of the floor in my office surrounded. I said, ! You. said you were going to do this work! Here, you do it! But I was picking up one. There was no rhyme or reason.

I wasn't even thinking about it, I has just picking. After gathering about thirty pages, I suddenly stopped and looked at.

I got chills all over, and I said to myself, . They fit together like a puzzle. I was shocked ~ I know. I believe this stuff, but still, when it really begins happening it's quite. The rest of the book began falling together effortlessly, to use a. Pleiadian word. I had another . They. said, . The more you say, 'I relinquish control, I don't know how to do this,'.