Fabric Of The Cosmos Epub Download Free

WE THE ANUNNAKISAPIENS RISING: BEYOND THE BABEL FACTOR by Neil Freer. A Manifesto for the Children of the 2.

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Century. OVERVIEWWe, Sapiens, have been rising, are rising, evolving in a unique, post. Darwinian modality, rapidly, precociously, from square one as a slavespecies a brief 2. We will talk here aboutstepping out of racial adolescence, restoring our real history and what theramifications are for the present and the future beyond the slave- codereligions, the sublimation of our ancient master- slave relationship to the. Anunnaki. The totems and taboos of our racial adolescence dispelled,Prometheus can get off his rock and reach genetic satori; Job can get offhis dung heap and complete his EST training; Buddha can open his eyes andreach genetic enlightenment; Jesus the man can disavow sectarian politicsand run again for genetic office.

Fabric Of The Cosmos Epub Download FreeFabric Of The Cosmos Epub Download Free

If I am right, if, you will find here a literal rethinking of this planet; acomprehensive, robust and startling new worldview of who and what we are; the ramifications of the restoration of our true history as a geneticallyengineered species; a resolution of the creationist- evolutionist conflict; aclear view of the forward trajectory of our species’ real evolution. Inshort, the focus of this site is on a new view of planetary reality at afundamental level far more profound than the usual political, religious,historical, intellectual concepts in which we think —– and conflict. You will find here a vision of the generic human beyond religion, Darwin’squaint view of evolution, the recycled explanations and failed solutions ofmillennia past, and the old new age.

You will find hope, positive direction,progress, talk of immortality, the new human, and a view from 2. A. D. You will find yourself, here, Sapiens, rising, perhaps a bitdazed, now coming out of species adolescence, eager and ready for aliensociety. The largest focus is Universe.

The immediate focus is on thechildren: we must not lose one more generation of our best to our primitivefollies. The more I know, the more I know I don’t know. At any given time you accessthis site, it will be the best I can conceive, the best I can offer, withrespect, and for your judgment. The informationoffered here is worthless unless utilized. This is written on the first day of Spring, 2. The life force coming backup from its winter pause in the Earth here in the high desert is tangible,timeless, unconcerned and amused.

The golden heat from our reliable localsolar furnace feels even better on my shoulders than when I was a kidroaming the summer stream banks back East. When I look around, however, froma futant perspective, the entire population of the planet looks as if it’sin a mild agony, most intense in the bodies and minds of the young beingsacrificed by the elders in yet another criminal war, but effecting all tosome degree from pole to pole. For we are at yet another of those crises,turning points in our short and puzzling species’ history, each one morecritically decisive because of the gravity of the immediate threats to oursurvival with which we insist on confronting ourselves. This site is the work of a “think tank” of one — a generalist, futurist andfutant, by genetic proclivity, in one skin. Concomitantly, however, Iacknowledge everyone, including the alien “community”, witting or unwitting,as collaborators because, as a generic human, I want to know how everythingand everyone relate to every other thing and person. In a word, the focus is. Universe. That may seem a bit grandiose but, in this age of decadent and,often, funding dependent specialization, someone had better damn well do it.

As a generalist, currently, I am focused on the resolution of the ancientconflicts, contradictions, questions and paradoxes of our species’ puzzlingand clearly manipulated history —- in the context of Universe. The goal: to bring our knowledge to the stage of change marked by the fifth line of. Hexagram 5. 7, The Gentle, Penetration, of the venerable I Ching: Remorse vanishes. Nothing that does not further.

No beginning, but and end. Good fortune. Which change morphs the situation into Hexagram 1.

Work on what has beenspoiled: the futurist, on the lookout for the “wild cards” that may ambushor afford accelerated advantage, integrates the potential and cautionarysignals of cutting edge developments in all disciplines and arenas with theretrieved past to transform what has been spoiled into an overarching,comprehensive, generically human, forward- creative paradigm. What has been spoiled, wasted, all these millennia, are generation aftergeneration of our young, the lives of countless millions, through the. Babel- factored conflicts and hideous wars, more often than not due tonothing more or less than the insane “my god is better than your god”syndrome. True, as a genetically engineered slave species, we should go alittle easy on ourselves due to the, perhaps, uniqueness of our “unnatural”situation, but that does not mitigate the immediacy of the danger of themess we have gotten ourselves into planet wide. And what is the mess allabout? The perspective of the futant view from 2. A. D. This syndrome is the mostfundamental formative factor at base of the clash of civilizations, nations,tribes, individuals.

It’s best to begin to give a futant report from an anchor point in thepresent, logically, in this case, from within the center of the currentcrisis. It is difficult, however, because there is no encapsulating theessence of this crisis as political, or economic, or sociological, orscientific, or military or philosophical or religious: it is inescapablyabout everything. Its inexorable, ponderous churning, disturbing the bodiesand minds of everyone on planet and off, is about entire world views, solarsystem views and views of the cosmos, human and alien.

Personal realities,the strong or tenuous views of self identity, of individuals, groups, ofcultures, religions, nations, and what it fundamentally is to be genericallyhuman on this planet are constantly being probed and challenged, theconstant irritation leading to profound unease, disease and overt conflict. What is the fundamental, core problem? The entire planet, all its cultures,religions, politics and sociology including the definition of “human”requires, indeed demands, radical rethinking including the institutions andauthorities to which we have always looked for truth and validation. What has brought the planet to this point? By 2. 00. 0 we in the West hadaccumulated more than sufficient evidence and data to restore the truehistory of our amazing beginnings and precocious development to ourselves—– and found ourselves to have been far deeper in denial, indeed close tospecies amnesia, with regard to those vital facts than we in the East. Thegradually accumulated, overwhelming archaeological and historicalinformation and data from the past, elucidated by the science of thepresent, gives clear, overwhelming evidence of an entirely new,comprehensive and overarching worldview that corrects, subsumes and replacesthe old. This new paradigm is attributed to the Nobel quality work of the.

Sumerian scholar, Zecharia Sitchin. The Key to Planetary Unity. The key fact that is the cause of the revolution in interpretation andunderstanding is that the transcultural gods (the Anunnaki . They were, most probably still are, an alien civilization whocolonized this planet 4. Planet X, Nibiru, in our own solar system.

They came here for gold,eventually created us by genetically crossing their genes with those of Homo. Erectus around 2. That profound reinterpretation of our beginnings and subsequentdevelopment changes everything. Download Essentials Of Electronics Petruzella Pdf Free.

Literally. Corroboration comes from evidence for the existence in our solar system of. Planet X/Nibiru from the Naval Observatory, probably found by the IRASsearch in ’8. DNA “search for Eve”; the “out of. Africa” data placing our genesis in Central Africa 2.

The ramifications and consequences, which I explored and laid out in 1.

Stephen Baxter: Books. The Long Utopia. The fourth book in the Long Earth sequence. On a warm, green world, a million steps from Datum Earth, something wrong is breaking through .

But it opened up the walls of the world .. After the triumph of the Apollo missions to the Moon, President Nixon decides not to build the space shuttle, but to devote NASA.