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Windows startup programs - Database search. If you're frustrated with the time it takes your Windows 1. Vista/XP PC to boot and then it seems to be running slowly you may have too. Scenes From The Second Storey Raritan on this page.
This is the original. Services are not included - see below.
For further information on this and how to identify and disable. Introduction page.
See here for further information on random entries - which are typically added by viruses and other. Last database update : - 3. June, 2. 01. 75. 15. You can search for any of the following terms to find and display entries in the start- up programs database but the minimum search is 3. Results are sorted by the Startup Item/Name field. From Windows 1. 0/8 Task Manager (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC . Note - * in the filename represents a random char; variants spotted: wxmct.
No. Shell. Xw**e. Detected by Malwarebytes as Backdoor. Agent. MTAGen. Note - this entry adds an illegal HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current. Version\Winlogon .
The value data points to . Note - the file is located in %User. Startup% and its presence there ensures it runs when Windows starts. Now. 0rm. exe. Xw.
Detected by Malwarebytes as Trojan. Agent. E. The file is located in %User. Temp% - see here. Now. 0rm. vbs. Xw. Detected by Dr. Web as Trojan. Down. Loader. 11.
Note - the file is located in %User. Startup% and its presence there ensures it runs when Windows starts. Now. 0rm. 1. vbs. Xw. 0rm. 1. vbs. Detected by Dr. Web as Trojan. Down. Loader. 11. 3. 44.
Malwarebytes as Trojan. Agent. VBS. Note - the file is located in %User. Startup% and its presence there ensures it runs when Windows starts. Now. 0rmname. exe. Xw. 0rmname. exe.
Detected by Intel Security/Mc. Afee as Downloader. Malwarebytes as Worm.
Agent. P2. PNo. W0r. MY. exe. XW0r. MY. Detected by Malwarebytes as Trojan. Agent. WRM. The file is located in %Temp%No. OV0. GGLLLHKLMXw.
HD. exe. Detected by Intel Security/Mc. Afee as RDN/Generic. Malwarebytes as Backdoor. Agent. ENo. OV1. 0FXLLLLHKCUXw. HD. exe. Detected by Intel Security/Mc. Afee as RDN/Generic.
Malwarebytes as Backdoor. Agent. ENo. Policies. Xw. 10dll. HD. exe. Detected by Intel Security/Mc.
Afee as RDN/Generic. Malwarebytes as Backdoor. Agent. PGen. Now.
Xw. 11. 2. vbs. Detected by Dr. Web as VBS. Packed. Malwarebytes as Trojan. Agent. VBS. Note - the file is located in %User. Startup% and its presence there ensures it runs when Windows starts.
No. W1. 2XW1. 2. exe. Detected by Intel Security/Mc.
Afee as RDN/Generic. Malwarebytes as Backdoor.
Agent. WSNo. JUSHED. EXEXW1. 8HPRN5. ZF. Detected by Intel Security/Mc. Afee as Generic. dx.
Now. 1ndows. The file is located in %App. Data% - see an example here. No. Windows Updtee Mgnr. XW1. NT4. 5K. exe. Added by the MYTOB.
DC WORM! No. WINRUN z. XW1. NT4. 5K. exe.
Added by the MYTOB. BL WORM! No. Windows modez Verifier. Xw. 1nz. 0zz. 0. exe. Added by a variant of W3. Sdbot. worm. Nowinnt DNS ident. Xw. 32. exe. Detected by Malwarebytes as Trojan.
Agent. E. The file is located in %System%Now. Xw. 32. exe. Added by the SOKEVEN TROJAN!
No. Winsock. 2 dlls. XW3. 2DLL. EXEAdded by the SPYBOT- CS BACKDOOR! No. Windows Updates. Xw. 32dns. exe. Detected by Sophos as W3. Sdbot- BFWNo. Windows Services.
Xw. 32edus. exe. Detected by Kaspersky as Backdoor. Win. 32. IRCBot. gen and by Malwarebytes as Backdoor.
Agent. Gen. No. Systray. Xw. 32explorer. exe. Detected by Sophos as W3. Rbot- AJYNo. Windows. Updatev. 4Xw. 32gins. Added by unidentified malware. The file is located in %Root%No.
Win. INIXw. 32m. exe. Detected by Dr. Web as Trojan.
Siggen. 6. 1. 73. Malwarebytes as Backdoor. Agent. ENostgclean? Part of IBM Standard Software Installer (ISSI) - which . The file is located in %System%No.
Windows Services. Xw. 32service. exe. Detected by Sophos as W3. Autorun- FU and by Malwarebytes as Backdoor.
Agent. Gen. No. Windows Services. Xw. 32services. exe.
Detected by Sophos as W3. Autorun- FT and by Malwarebytes as Backdoor. Agent. Gen. Now. 32sup. Xw. 32sup. exe. Adult content dialer. No. W3. 2SYSXw. 32sys.
Detected by Sophos as W3. Jambu- ANo. STRINGSXW3. Tcp. Udp. exe. Detected by Intel Security/Mc. Afee as RDN/Generic Dropper and by Malwarebytes as Backdoor. Agent. DCENo. Secboot.
Xw. 32tm. exe. Added by the HAXDOOR. D TROJAN! Now. 32update. Xw. 32. Update. exe.
Detected by Dr. Web as Trojan. Siggen. 4. 2. 61. No. Win. 32 USB2.
Driver. Xw. 32usb. Detected by Trend Micro as WORM. The file is located in %System%No.
Pervasive. SQL Workgroup Engine. UW3dbsmgr. exe. Database Service Manager for Pervasive SQL 2.
Workgroup edition. Required if you use Pervasive SQL but it's recommended you start it manually before using it as it has a tendancy to crash/freeze if loaded with other applications at startup. No. Access Web. Control. Xw. 3ssveds. exe. Added by the PPDOOR- M TROJAN! No. W7. exe Nacional. XW7. exe. Detected by Sophos as Troj/Agent- ODZNo.
Microsoft Driver Setup. Xw. 7services. exe. Detected by Sophos as W3. Auto. Run- ARJ and by Malwarebytes as Worm. Palevo. Now. 7zip. Xw. 7zip. exe. Detected by Sophos as Troj/Bancban- QBNoddhelper. UW8. 15. DM. EXEEnuff Parental Control Software by Akrontech.
No. W8. 15. DMUW8. DM. exe. Enuff Parental Control Software by Akrontech. No. Client agent for ARCserve? W9. 5AGENT. EXEClient agent on Win. CA ARCserve Backup from Computer Associates - which .
The application can back up and restore data from all the machines on your network, (including machines running Windows, UNIX, and Linux) using optional client agents. What does it do and is it required? Nodrmu. XW9. 5Mm. Homepage hijacker installing a toolbar: http: //tdko. Lop. com in disguise.
Now. 98. Eject. Uw. Eject. exe. Related to USB support for a Sigmatel (acquired by IDT and now Tempo Semiconductor, Inc.) MP3 audio player (and others such as San. Disk). It's intent is to . The file is located in %System%No. Microsoft! See here. No. System. Service. Xwab. 32sr. exe. Detected by Kaspersky as Worm.
Win. 32. Auto. Run. Malwarebytes as Trojan. Agent. The file is located in %Common. Files%\System. No.
Microsoft (R) Adress Book Import Tool. XWABMIT. EXEDetected by Dr. Web as Trojan. Packed. Malwarebytes as Backdoor. Agent. Nowacpukzonowa. Xwacpukzonowa. exe. Detected by Intel Security/Mc.
Afee as RDN/Generic. Malwarebytes as Trojan.
Agent. USNo. Svc. Host. XWacult. exe. Detected by Malwarebytes as Backdoor. Bot. E. The file is located in %App. Data%No. Win. XPService. Xwacult. exe. Detected by Trend Micro as BKDR. The file is located in %System%\mnut.
No. Win. XPService. Xwacult. exe. Detected by Trend Micro as BKDR. The file is located in %Windir%\Fonts.
Nowacult. exe. Xwacult. Detected by Intel Security/Mc. Afee as Generic. bfr! No. Mlcr. 0s. 0ftf DDEs C0ntr. XWAed. pif. Detected by Sophos as W3. Rbot- BJWNo. Microsoftf DDEs Control. Xwaes. exe. Added by a variant of Backdoor: Win.
Rbot. The file is located in %System%No. PR Digital Web Accelerator.
Ywagui. exe. PR Digital Web Accelerator customized user interface for Slipstream - internet acceleration through compression/decompression techniques, intelligent cacheing on the server side, and real- time conversion of large/high- bandwidth images to less bulky pix. Nowagwiwyvorko. Xwagwiwyvorko. Detected by Intel Security/Mc.
Afee as RDN/Generic. Malwarebytes as Trojan. Agent. USNo. Watcher. Helper. UWa. Helper. Sierra Wireless Watcher.
No longer available. No. Web. Army. Knife. NWAK. exe. Web Army Knife web developer tools by Mike Chen - . The file is located in %Program. Files%\Win. Zix. No.
Dom. Player Service. Xwakeservice. exe. Dom. Player adware.
No. Win. Regokt. XWalcult. Detected by Intel Security/Mc. Afee as Generic Malware.
Malwarebytes as Trojan. Banker. No. Windows Application Layer. Xwalg. 32. exe. Added by the AGOBOT.
ATN WORM! No. Windows Application Layer Gateway. Xwalg. 32. exe. Detected by Sophos as W3. Agobot- AAZNo. Startup. Xwalking. exe. Detected by Malwarebytes as Trojan.
Agent. STU. The file is located in %App. Data%\Mks. No. Startup. Xwalking. exe. Detected by Malwarebytes as Trojan. Agent. STU. The file is located in %App. Data%\Windows. Nomstwain. XWall. 20. 13. exe. Detected by Dr. Web as Trojan.
Key. Logger. 1. 62. Malwarebytes as Trojan.
Agent. Nowallchgr.