The myBulova website contains the worlds largest database of old, vintage and antique Bulova watches and pocket watches, including early Rubaiyat, Hudson and Lady. Production Year Approximate date the movement of a watch is produced. Factory records differ from year-to-year and factory-to-factory. Some records are more complete than. Founded in 1870 in Springfield, Illinois, the Illinois Watch Company sold its first watch movement under the name Springfield Watch Company.
History, Serial Numbers, Production Dates. Brief History: Burlington Watch Company. Chicago, Illinois & Winnipeg, Manitoba. Download Video Player Mfc Application Not Responding. The Burlington Watch Company, was a mail- order sales company. By selling directly to the consumer, they were able to eliminate the costly sales and distribution channel. Watches were sold on the . The majority of watches sold by Burlington were .
Some contend that the Burlington Watch Company was a subsidiary of the Illinois Watch Company, but this claim has not been documented. Burlington also sold a small number of movements made by Henry Moser & Co, in Switzerland. These movements may have been sold only in Canada and appear to have been cased in Canadian- made cases. Most American Burlington watches were sold in Burlington- signed gold- filled cases of good quality. Typical Burlington pocket watch produced by Illinois Watch Company.
Illinois Watch Case Company of Elgin and Elgin American It is very common to for people to become confused about which products were made by the Elgin National Watch.
This watch is an Illinois Mod 9, grade 1. Early Production. In the early years, most of the watches sold by Burlington were 1. Illinois Model 5 and Model 9. Many were designated . It is curious to note that the .
The 1. 9- jewel watches were discontinued in 1. The most common of these was based on the Illinois Model 9 (photo above). Fighting the . It is unclear how many other Burlington models were actually accepted for railway service (some certainly were), though Burlington advertised heavily in Railroad Brotherhood Journals, and other publications which catered to railway employees.
In Canada, Burlington sold a Swiss made 1. Railroad Time Service requirements. The watch appears to have only been used for railway service in Canada, and was approved by the Canadian Railroad Time Service. Many American railroads required approved watches to be American- made, so these Swiss- made watches do not appear to have been used in America.
The Burlington . It was sold in a Burlington- signed heavy railroad case made by NAWCO, and was signed . Otherwise, it's identical to other 1. Burlington watches and has no additional markings on the movement. In our opinion, Burlington watches still represent good value to the watch collector. You are essentially buying a higher- grade Illinois movement, but Burlington watches can sometimes be found at lower prices than an equivalent Illinois watch.
Washington Watch Co. Movements and porcelain dials were made by Illinois Watch Co. Illinois Pocket Watch serial numbers. Look up your watches serial number here in order to find out what you have and how old it is. Identification of clock/watch models and makers and when they were made. Find great deals on eBay for illinois pocket watch and hamilton pocket watch. Shop with confidence.
SPONSORED ADVERTISEMENTSIllinois Watch Company. Illinois Serial Numbers and Production Dates. Total Production: Approx. Million Watches. Since the majority of Burlington watches were made by the Illinois watch company, we have included the Illinois serial number table here for convenience. For further information on Illinois watches, please refer to the Illinois Company History Page of this site. Year. S/N1. 87. 25. Year. S/N1. 89. 31,1.
Year. S/N1. 91. 42,6. Sold to Hamilton - 1. IMPORTANT: Be sure to use the serial number on the movement (the works) of the watch. Do not use the serial number from the watch case. Can’t find your serial number in the table?
Click here for an explanation and example of how to use our serial number tables. Need help finding the serial number on your watch? Click here for instructions on how to identify and open most common case types. At Renaissance Watch Repair, we are experts in the repair and restoration of Burlington watches. We are also always looking for high- quality Burlington to purchase.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the repair of your vintage Burlington watch. SPONSORED ADVERTISEMENTS.